
This module contains the character specific chat lines.





// returns the name of the bot with the given number
// Parameter:            n : number of the bot
// Returns:              name of the bot

string (float n) BotName;

// returns the short name of the bot with the given number
// Parameter:            n : number of the bot
// Returns:              short name of the bot

string (float n) BotConsoleName;

// returns the shirt and pants color of th bot with the given number
// Parameter:            n : number of the bot
// Returns:              shorts and pants color

float (float n) BotShirtPantsColor;

// chooses an exit message for the given bot
// Parameter:            e : bot to choose message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotChooseExitMessage;

// chooses a kill message for the given bot
// Parameter:            e : bot to choose message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotChooseKillMessage;

// chooses a death message for the given bot
// Parameter:            e : bot to choose message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotChooseDeathMessage;

// chooses a telefrag message for the given bot
// Parameter:            e : bot to choose message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotChooseTelefragMessage;

// chooses a random message for the given bot
// Parameter:            e : bot to choose message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotChooseRandomMessage;