
This module implements client rankings emulation.




// Initialized the maximum number of clients.
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () InitMaxClients;

// Gives the next available client number
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              client number

float () NextAvailableClientNumber;

// returns true if there's an active client with the given number
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
// Returns:              true if the client is active
//                       false otherwise

float (float clnumber) ClientIsActive;

// sets the given client number used
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
// Returns:              -

void (float clnumber) SetClientNumberUsed;

// sets the given client number free
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
// Returns:              -

void (float clnumber) SetClientNumberFree;

// sends update for the client name to all clients
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
//                       n        : name of the client
// Returns:              -

void (float clnumber, string n) msgUpdateClientNameToAll;

// sends update for the client frags to all clients
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
//                       f        : frags of the client
// Returns:              -

void (float clnumber, float f) msgUpdateClientFragsToAll;

// sends update for the client colors to all clients
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
//                       c        : colors of the client
// Returns:              -

void (float clnumber, float c) msgUpdateClientColorsToAll;

// sends update for the client name, frags and colors to all clients
// Parameter:            clnumber : number of the client
// Returns:              -

void () msgUpdateAllClientSettingsToAll;