
This module contains the bot fighting related code.




// Makes the bot aim at the enemy
// Parameter:            bot : bot that should aim at the enemy
// Returns:              -

void (entity bot) BotAimAtEnemy;

// Makes the bot shoot at the trigger goal.
// Parameter:            bot : bot which must shoot the trigger
// Returns:              -

void (entity bot) BotShootTrigger;

// checks if the given enemy is visible for the bot
// Parameter:            bot : bot looking
//                       e   : enemy
// Returns:              true if enemy is visible

float (entity bot, entity e) BotEnemyVisible;

// checks if the bot can attack and attacks if possible
// Parameter:            bot : bot that should attack
// Returns:              -

void (entity bot) BotCheckAttack;

// Let's the bot make attack movements
// Parameter:            bot   : bot that should make attack movements
//                       speed : moving speed of the bot
// Returns:              -

void (entity bot, float botspeed) BotAttackMove;