
This module implements hearing entities (part of the environment sampling).




// Creates a bot sound.
// Parameter:            cause    : entity causing the sound
//                       spot     : spot the sound was initiated
//                       duration : duration of the sound
//                       type     : sound type
// Returns:              -

void (entity cause, vector spot, float duration, float type) CreateBotSound;

// returns true if the entity could be heard by the 'ear'
// Parameter:            ear : entity (bot) listening
//                       e   : entity to hear
// Returns:              true if the entity could be heard
//                       false otherwise

float (entity ear, entity e) Hearable;

// returns the sound that could be located by the 'ear'
// Parameter:            ear : entity (bot) listening
// Returns:              located sound
//                       'world' otherwise

entity (entity ear) LocateDistantSound;