
This module implements locating entities (part of the environment sampling).



// returns true if the given object is visible for the bot
// Parameter:            bot : bot to check visibility for
//                       obj : object to be seen
// Returns:              true if object is visible
//                       false otherwise

float (entity bot, entity obj) Visible;

// returns true if a bot can travel from 'a' to 'b'
// Parameter:            a : start point
//                       b : end point
// Returns:              true if a bot can travel from 'a' to 'b'
//                       false otherwise

float (entity a, entity b) Reachable;

// returns the absolute floor height belowe the given spot
// Parameter:            spot : place to get floor height
// Returns:              absolute floor height

float (vector spot) AbsFloorHeight;

// creates entity to test the floor
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () CreateFloorTestEnt;

// returns true if the entity is above a plat, door or train
// Parameter:            e : entity to check
// Returns:              true if entity is above a plat, door or train
//                       false otherwise

float (entity e) BotAbovePlatDoorTrain;

// returns true if the entity is on top of a plat, door or train
// Parameter:            e : entity to check
// Returns:              true if entity is on top of a plat, door or train
//                       false otherwise

float (entity e) BotIsOnPlatDoorTrain;

// returns true if the entity is on top of a moving plat, door or train
// Parameter:            e : entity to check
// Returns:              true if entity is on top of a moving plat, door or train
//                       false otherwise

entity (entity e) BotIsOnMovingPlatDoorTrain;