
This module implements the bot movement (part of the environment sampling).




// Makes the bot move towards it's current goal
// with the given speed.
// Parameter:            bot      : bot that should move
//                       botspeed : speed at which the bot should move
// Returns:              one of the OBSTACLE_? constants

float (entity bot, float botspeed) BotMoveToGoal;

// Makes the bot jump towards it's current goal
// with the given speed.
// Parameter:            bot      : bot that should jump
//                       botspeed : speed at which the bot should move
// Returns:              one of the OBSTACLE_? constants

float (entity bot, float botspeed) BotJumpToGoal;

// Makes the bot move into the given direction
// with the given speed.
// Parameter:            bot      : bot that should move
//                       yaw      : yaw direction
//                       botspeed : speed at which the bot should move
// Returns:              one of the OBSTACLE_? constants

float (entity bot, float yaw, float botspeed) BotMoveInDirection;

// Makes the bot jump into the given direction
// with the given speed.
// Parameter:            bot      : bot that should jump towards the goal
//                       yaw      : yaw direction
//                       botspeed : speed at which the bot should move
// Returns:              one of the OBSTACLE_? constants

float (entity bot, float yaw, float botspeed) BotJumpInDirection;

// Returns true if the given bot is getting closer to it's goal.
// Parameter:            bot : bot to check
// Returns:              true if moving closer to goal

float (entity bot) MovingCloserToGoal;