
This module implements the bot spawning and removing.





// Destroys the given bot
// Parameter:            bot : the bot to destroy
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) DestroyBot;

// Respawns a bot after dying
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () RespawnBot;

// Adds a deathmatch bot with a randomly chosen character
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () AddRandomDeathmatchBot;

// Removes one of the deathmatch bots
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () RemoveOneDeathmatchBot;

// Adds the deathmatch bot with the given number
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void (float number) AddDeathmatchBot;

// Adds a bot to the given team
// Parameter:            tn : team number
// Returns:              -

void (float tn) AddTeamBot;

// Removes a bot from the given team
// Parameter:            tn : team number
// Returns:              -

void (float tn) RemoveTeamBot;

// Removes all the bots
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () RemoveAllBots;

// Initializes the bots when the game is started
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              -

void () SetupBots;

// Sets the team colors of the entity for the given team
// Parameter:            e  : entity to set team colors for
//                       tn : team number
// Returns:              -

void (entity e, float tn) GiveTeamColors;