
This module contains the bot chat related code.





// The following three functions store a chat message for a bot.
// Parameter:            e     : bot to store message for
//                       str1  : first string of message
//                       str2  : second string of message
//                       str3  : third string of message
//                       mnr   : message number
//                       mtime : time the bot needs to type the message
// Returns:              -

void (entity e, string str1, float mnr, float mtime) BotStoreMessage;
void (entity e, string str1, string str2, float mnr, float mtime) BotStoreMessage2;
void (entity e, string str1 ,string str2, string str3, float mnr, float mtime) BotStoreMessage3;

// Removes the stored bot message.
// Parameter:            e : bot to remove message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotRemoveMessage;

// Enters the stored chat message of the bot if present.
// Parameter:            e : bot to enter message for
// Returns:              -

void (entity e) BotEnterMessage;

// Checks if the bot wants to say an exit message and
// chooses one messages if the bot wants to.
// Parameter:            e : bot to check message for
// Returns:              -

float (entity bot) CheckBotExitMessage;

// Checks if the bot wants to say a kill message and
// chooses one messages if the bot wants to.
// Parameter:            e : bot to check message for
// Returns:              -

float (entity bot) CheckBotKillMessage;

// Checks if the bot wants to say a death message and
// chooses one messages if the bot wants to.
// Parameter:            e : bot to check message for
// Returns:              -

float (entity bot) CheckBotDeathMessage;

// Checks if the bot wants to say a random message and
// chooses one messages if the bot wants to.
// Parameter:            e : bot to check message for
// Returns:              -

float (entity bot) CheckBotRandomMessage;

// Gives the name of a randomly chosen observer
// Parameter:            -
// Returns:              name of observer

string () ObserverName;

// Gives the name of a randomly chosen player.
// The name of the given player can't be chosen.
// Parameter:            e : player the name can't be chosen of
// Returns:              name of player

string (entity e) RandomNameExcept;