Entities in Quake

entity types: d dynamic
s static
- directly removed
entity models:  BSP  Binary Space Partitioned model
MDL  alias model
SPR sprite model
- none

Entities loaded with the map:
classname description type  model
air_bubbles Rising air bubbles d SPR
ambient_drip Dripping sound d -
ambient_drone Engine/machinery sound d -
ambient_comp_hum Computer background sounds d -
ambient_flouro_buzz Flourescent buzzing sound d -
ambient_light_buzz Buzzing sound from light d -
ambient_suck_wind Wind sound d -
ambient_swamp1 Frogs croaking d -
ambient_swamp2 Slightly different sounding frogs croaking d -
ambient_thunder Thunder sound d -
event_lightning Lightning (Used to kill Cthon, shareware boss) d MDL
func_door Door, also used for bridges and opening floors d BSP
func_door_secret Secret door that is triggered to open d BSP
func_wall A moving wall d BSP
func_button A button d BSP
func_train A platform (moves along a "train") d BSP
func_plat An elevator d BSP
func_dm_only A teleporter that only appears in deathmatch d BSP
func_bossgate blocks entrance to the final level d BSP
func_episodegate appears when the episode has been completed so it can't be reentered d BSP
func_illusionary Creates brush that appears solid, but isn't. s BSP
info_null Used as a placeholder (removes itself) - -
info_notnull Used as a placeholder (does not remove itself) d -
info_intermission Camera position for intermission d -
info_player_start Single player starting point (only one allowed) d -
info_player_deathmatch A deathmatch start (more than one allowed) d -
info_player_coop A coop player start (more than one allowed) d -
info_player_start2 Return point from episode d -
info_teleport_destination Gives coords for a teleport destination d -
item_cells Ammo for the Thunderbolt d BSP
item_rockets Ammo for Rocket and Grenade Launcher d BSP
item_shells Ammo for Shotgun and SuperShotgun d BSP
item_spikes Ammo for Nailgun and Super Nailgun d BSP
item_weapon Generic weapon class d MDL
item_health Medical kit d BSP
item_artifact_envirosuit Environmental Protection Suit (biosuit) d MDL
item_artifact_super_damage Quad Damage d MDL
item_artifact_invulnerability Pentagram of Protection d MDL
item_artifact_invisibility Ring of Shadows (Invisibility) d MDL
item_armor1 Greeen armor d MDL
item_armor2 Yellow armor d MDL
item_armorInv Red armor d MDL
item_key1 Silver Key d MDL
item_key2 Gold Key d MDL
item_sigil Sigil (a rune) d MDL
light A projected light. No visible lightsource d/- -
light_torch_small_walltorch Small wall torch (gives off light) s MDL
light_flame_large_yellow Large yellow fire (gives off light) s MDL
light_flame_small_yellow Small yellow fire (gives off light) s MDL
light_flame_small_white Small white fire  (gives off light) s MDL
light_fluoro Fluorescent light (gives off light, humming sound) s MDL
light_fluorospark Fluorescent light (gives off light, sparking sound) s MDL
light_globe Light that appears as a sphere sprite s MDL
monster_army Grunt / Soldier (with shotgun) d MDL
monster_dog Rottweiler dog d MDL
monster_ogre Ogre (with chainsaw and grenades) d MDL
monster_ogre_marksman Ogre (no different than monster_ogre) d MDL
monster_knight Knight (with sword) d MDL
monster_zombie Zombie (throws little gibs) d MDL
monster_wizard Scragg / Wizard (hovers and shoots yellow slime) d MDL
monster_demon1 Fiend / Demon (pink demon with organic buzzsaws) d MDL
monster_shambler Shambler (with thunder) d MDL
monster_boss Cthon (Boss at the end of the first episode) d MDL
monster_enforcer Enforcer (with lasergun, enhanced grunt) d MDL
monster_hell_knight Hell Knight (death knight with sword, also shoots little flames) d MDL
monster_shalrath Shalrath / Vore (spideresque hybrid horror) d MDL
monster_tarbaby Slime / Spawn (bouncing blob) d MDL
monster_fish Fish d MDL
monster_oldone Shubb-Niggurath (final enemy) d MDL
misc_fireball Small fireball (gives off light, harms player) d MDL
misc_explobox Large Nuclear Container d BSP
misc_explobox2 Small Nuclear Container d BSP
misc_teleporttrain Spiked ball needed to telefrag monster_oldone d MDL
path_corner To define a path for func_train or monsters d BSP
trap_spikeshooter Shoots spikes (nails) d -
trap_shooter Fires nails without needing to be triggered d -
trigger_teleport Teleporter d -
trigger_changelevel Changes to another level d -
trigger_setskill Changes skill level d -
trigger_counter Triggers action after it has been triggered count times d -
trigger_once Triggers action only once d -
trigger_multiple Triggers action (can be retriggered) d -
trigger_onlyregistered Triggers only if game is registered d -
trigger_secret Triggers action and awards secret credit d -
trigger_monsterjump Causes triggering monster to jump in a direction d -
trigger_relay Allows delayed/multiple actions from one trigger d -
trigger_push Pushes a player in a direction (like a windtunnel) d -
trigger_hurt Hurts whatever touches the trigger d -
weapon_supershotgun Super Shotgun d MDL
weapon_nailgun Nailgun d MDL
weapon_supernailgun Super Nailgun d MDL
weapon_grenadelauncher Grenade Launcher d MDL
weapon_rocketlauncher Rocket Launcher d MDL
weapon_lightning Lightning Gun d MDL
worldspawn The world, unmodifiable bsp map layout d BSP
Entities used in Quake but not loaded with the map:
classname description type model
player The player d MDL