About: This document contains editing information for the Gladiator bot.
The Gladiator bot is an artificial player for Quake2.
Author: Mr Elusive (MrElusive@demigod.demon.nl)
Gladiator page: http://www.botepidemic.com/gladiator
Last update: 1999-05-05

The Gladiator bot uses the sound specifications to figure out what sounds to listen for. The sound specifications are stored in a file sounds.c in the .pak file included with the Gladiator bot.

A sound specification is constructed as follows:


The specification fields listed below are placed between the braces.
Every field is assigned a value according to the field type.

name:         type:       description:

name          string      name of the sound
volume        float       volume of the sound
duration      float       duration of the sound
type          integer     sound type
recognition   float       recognition of the sound
string        string      extra string field