Ahh, the Omicron
bots. The so-called 'Reaper killers'. Well, let me tell you. They are more
than just bots. They are an experience. They show more skill than reapers,
more realistic movement than reapers, and they have a LOT more options
than reapers. This mod cannot, however, be judged on all of my regular
catogories, so I broke it down a bit. My score on this mod will result
from: Models, Mood, Gameplay and Replayability. And of course, the Total
score from those. Enough explaining, on to the review:
I based this catagory on skins, and the one shotgun-shell model there was
included. The skins are done nicely, though some could have been refined.
The way of seeing a bot, and telling which bot it is, by the skin, was
an excellent idea, and it added depth to the game, as if you were playing
a real player, the entire purpose of a bot, of course.
What can I say, when your deathmatch with these bots, it FEELS like deathmatch.
You feel that fear, that gut-cringing emotion that makes you look around
the corner with haste, fire, and seek shelter again. These bots are so
advanced, they make smart decisions. They know where the armor and weapons
are. They know where to cut you off at the pass. They know how to take
you to pieces, and do it in style.
Most bots, are jerky, and monotonous, and the patterns they run get predictable,
so you just slaughter them until you get tired of them. The Omicron bots
have different patterns, different strategies, and the skill levels are
incredibly vast. They added features in this mod that make it one of the
absolute best. The ability to see the bots stats, as if it were a real
player. The ability to have a float cam, the ability to look through a
bots eyes, or just become an observer, and watch the bots go at it. The
quakeC in this game is incredible. You can turn off any high powered weapon
or powerup, such as NOLIGHTNING (no thunderbolt avaliable), or the menu
option to have invisibility, mega health, and pentagram turned off. The
bots have personalites, and actually talk to you while playing. It is incredible
how they integrated the good things from different bots into one.
The more you play them, the more you come back. The bots become addictive,
seeing how different bots play differently, and react differently. And
considering there are about 1000 different deathmatch levels out there,
and seeing as you can build your own, you'll have hours upon hours of fun
with them, just deathmatching until you can't stand it any longer. Then
a few hours later, get that tug to go play them again :)
Total 91%
These bots are hands-down the most advanced, and interesting ones avaliable
today. They are, however, without their faults. They eat your processor
for lunch. On my p166 64 megs of RAM, it was at times jerky, but not all
the time, mind you. The price of a jerk every now and then is paid off
with great gameplay and depth. Besides, these bots can do rocket jumps!
The first I've seen able to. Finally, a feature put in a bot that is seen
in all great players. An excellent bot, with excellent features, and all
done smoothly. Get this bot, and see for yourself. It is incredible. I
highly recommend it.
The Omicron bots can be downloaded
from cdrom.com. |