The following are papers, books and patents from others that reference the publications by J.M.P. van Waveren. This list is by no means complete but does provide evidence that over the last decade the publications by J.M.P. van Waveren are referenced frequently by researchers and developers from over 25 different countries. |
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A Framework for the Development of Cognitive Agents in First-Person Games Ivan Medieros Monteiro, Debora A. Santos (University Federal of Bahia, Brazil) VI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), pages 107-115, Săo Leopoldo, November 2007 | |
A Hierarchically-Layered Multiplayer Bot System for a First-Person Shooter Tim Verweij (VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Master of Science Thesis, Artificial Intelligence with the specialization of Intelligent Internet Applications, VU University, Amsterdam, August 2007 | |
A Hybrid AI System for Agent Adaptation in a First Person Shooter Abdennour El Rhalibi, Michael Burkey (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), April 2005 | |
A Hybrid Fuzzy ANN System for Agent Adaptation in a First Person Shooter Abdennour El Rhalibi, Madjid Merabti (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Joint International Conference on Cyber Games and Interactive Entertainment, December 2006 | |
A Modular Architecture for Development of Cognitive Agents in Games of First and Third Person Ivan Medeiros Monteiro (University Federal of Bahia, Brazil) IV Brazilian Workshop on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), pages 219-229, November 2005 | |
A Spatial Awareness Framework for Enhancing Game Agent Behaviour Simon Perkins, David Jacka, James Gain, Patrick Marais (University of Cape Town, South Africa) ACM Siggraph Symposium on Video Games, pages 15-22, August 2008 | |
A Unified Spatial Representation for Navigation Systems Michael Ramsey (Blue Fang Games) Fifth Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference, October 2009 | |
Action Games: Evolutionary Experiences Antonio J. Fernandez, Javier Jimenez Gonzalez (University of Málaga, Spain) In Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, Bernd Reusch (ed.), Springer, 487-501, September 2004 | |
Action Selection for Intelligent Systems Cyril Brom, Joanna Bryson European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, August 2006 | |
AI Action Games Ville Samuli Mönkkönen Bachelor of Science Thesis, Software Engineering, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, May 2005 | |
Applying Graph Partitioning to Hierarchical Pathfinding in Computer Games Uwe Koch Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Germany, March 2011 | |
Applying ReadyLog to Agent Programming in Interactive Computer Games Stefan Jacobs Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, March 2005 | |
Artificial Intelligence for Animated Autonomous Agents Adam Szarowicz Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, School of Computing and Information Systems, Kingston University, June 2004 | |
Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games Knut Vidar Siem College of Staten Island, City University of New York, May 2006 | |
Artificial Intelligence in First-Person Shooters Jan Quadflieg Computational Intelligence in Computer Games, University of Technology Dortmund, Germany, October 2007 | |
Artificial Intelligence Techniques In Real-Time Strategy Games-Architecture and Combat Behavior Sindre Berg Stene Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, September 2006 | |
Behavior Acquisition in Artificial Agents Christian Thurau Master of Science Thesis, Applied Computer Science, Bielefeld University, Germany, October 2006 | |
Behavior Representation and Simulation for Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain Zhuoqian Shen, Suiping Zhou (Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore) Society for Computer Simulation International, volume 82, issue 9, pages 593-607, September 2006 | |
Bayesian Programming and Learning for Multi-Player Video Games Gabriel Synnaeve Master of Science Thesis, Laboratory of Informatics, University of Grenoble, France, August 2006 | |
Best-Response Learning of Team Behaviour in Quake III Sander Bakkes, Pieter Spronck, Eric Postma (Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands) IJCAI Workshop on Reasoning, Representation and Learning in Computer Games, pages 13-18, July 2005 | |
Body Mind and Emotion An Overview of Agent Implementation in Mainstream Computer Games S Slater, K Buckley, K Bechkoum (Wolverhampton University, United Kingdom) Workshop on AI Planning for Computer Games and Synthetic Characters (ICAPS), June 2006 | |
Carcassonne Java Jess Expert Game: Intelligent Board Games and Query-Based Utility Reasoning René Molenaar, Ludo Maat, L.J.M. Rothkrantz GAME-ON, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, Leicester, United Kingdom, November 2005 | |
Cerberus: Applying Supervised and Reinforcement Learning Techniques to Capture the Flag Games Ahmed S. Hefny, Ayat A. Hatem, Mahmoud M. Shalaby, Amir F. Atiya Fourth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), October 2008 | |
Coefficient of Agility and Sampling Frequency Issues in Mobile Agents Collision Detection with Dynamic Obstacles in 3D Space Elmir Babovic (Dzemal Bijedic University, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina) 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), pages 1-6, March 2012 | |
Co-Evolution of Source Code and the Build System: Impact on the Introduction of AOSD in Legacy Systems Bram Adams Master of Science Thesis, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University, March 2008 | |
Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Dynamic Path Prediction Algorithm for Mobile Agents Collision Detection with Dynamic Obstacles in a Two-Dimensional Space Elmir Babovic (Dzemal Bijedic University, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina) Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, Pages 493 - 498, December 2011 | |
Collaborative Design : Integrating Game Engine to Online Interactive Presentation Tool Raktum Sallkachat, Araya, Choutgrajank Master of Science Thesis, Computer Aided Architectural Design, Rangsit University, Thailand, 2003 | |
Creating a Dogfight Agent David Solinger Master of Science Thesis, Knowledge Based Systems, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, May 2005 | |
Decision-Making in Game Characters using Support Vector Machines Pedro E Melendez Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Arts, Media and Computer Games, University of Abertay Dundee, January 2010 | |
Design of an AI Framework for MOUTbots Zhuoqian Shen, Suiping Zhou, Chee Yung Chin, Linbo Luo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, June 2005 | |
Designing Autonomous Agents for Computer Games with Extended Behavior Networks: An Investigation of Agent Performance, Character Modeling and Action Selection in Unreal Tournament Hugo da Silva Correa Pinto Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, June 2005 | |
E-AI an Emotion Architecture for Agents in Games & Virtual Worlds Stuart Slater Master of Science Thesis, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, March 2010 | |
Enhancing Game-Server AI with Distributed Client Computation John R. Douceur, Jacob R. Lorch, Frank Uyeda, Randall C. Wood 17th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), pages 31-36, June 2007 | |
Enhancing the Performance of a Multiplayer Game by Using a Parallelizing Compiler Yasir I. M. Al-Dosary, Keiji Kimura, Hironori Kasahara, Seinosuke Narita 17th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES), pages 67-75, July 2012 | |
Evolution of Intelligent Agent Behaviour in Computer Games Rudolf Kadlec Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, September 2008 | |
Evolutionary Experiences in Dynamic Video Game Worlds with Path Finding Antonio J. Fernández, Javier Jiménez González Spanish Proceedings of the Third Congress of Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Algorithms (MAEB), Cordova, pages 75-82, February 2004 | |
Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied in First Person Shooters Joost Westra (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) Master of Science Thesis, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, March 2007 | |
Evolutionary Neural Networks for Non-Player Characters in Quake III Joost Westra, Frank Dignum (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), pages 302-309, September 2009 | |
Evolutionary Robotics Juan Ignacio García Master of Science Thesis, National University of Luján, Argentina, January 2009 | |
Evolving Improved Opponent Intelligence Pieter Spronck, Ida Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, Eric Postma (University of Maastricht, Netherlands) GAME-ON, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, Westminster University, Harrow, United Kingdom, Pages 94-98, November 2002 | |
Extending the AI in a Commercial Game Engine Matthew Ota Bachelor of Science Thesis, Software Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia, October 2003 | |
Flight Gear Multiplayer Engine Jeroen Boogaard, Leon Otte Technical Report DKS-02-99, Department of Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, November, 2002 | |
Functional Programming and 3D Games Jayatheeban Soundararajan Bachelor of Science Thesis, Software Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia, October 2007 | |
Fuzzy Q-Learning for First Person Shooters Youssef S. G. Nashed, Darryl N. Davis GAMEON-ARABIA, The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology (EUROSIS), November 2011 | |
Games and Agents Designing Intelligent Gameplay Frank Dignum, Joost Westra, Willem A. van Doesburg, Maaike Harbers International Journal of Computer Games Technology, January 2009 | |
GOAP: Goal Oriented Action Planning Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Attila Houtkooper Master Profile project Intelligent Systems, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 2008 | |
Imitation Learning - Six Month Report Mark A. Wood Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, United Kingdom, May 2004 | |
Imitation Learning through Games: Theory, Implementation and Evaluation Bernard Gorman Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, School of Computing, Dublin City University, January 2009 | |
Imitation von Verhaltensmustern eines Agenten durch Reinforcement Learning Andreas Diek Master of Science Thesis, Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Paderborn, June 2005 | |
Implementation of a Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN) Steffen Nissen Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2003 | |
Implementing a Dogfight Artificial Pilot Mahery Andriambololona, Pascal Lefeuvre Research Report DKS03-07, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, July 2003 | |
Improving Opponent Intelligence Through Offline Evolutionary Learning Pieter Spronck, Ida Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper and Eric Postma (University of Maastricht IKAT, Netherlands) International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation, volume 2, Issue 1, February 2003 | |
Improving the Survivability of Agents in a First-Person Shooter Urban Combat Simulation by Incorporating Military Skills Ashish C. Singh Master of Science Thesis, Computer Science, Washington State University, USA, December 2007 | |
Incremental Activity and Plan Recognition for Human Teams Daniele Masato Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, March 2012 | |
Invincible: A Stratego Bot Vincent de Boer Master of Science Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, November 2007 | |
Künstliche Intelligenz in Computerspielen Daniel Bauer Proseminar im Sommersemester, Ulm University, Germany, 2004 | |
Large Scale Reinforcement Learning using Q-SARSA and Cascading Neural Networks Steffen Nissen Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2007 | |
Learning Agents in Quake III Remco Bonse, Ward Kockelkorn, Ruben Smelik, Pim Veelders, Wilco Moerman (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, 2004 | |
Learning Human-Like Opponent Behavior for Interactive Computer Games Christian Bauckhage, Christian Thurau, Gerhard Sagerer (Bielefeld University, Germany) Pattern Recognition, 25th DAGM Symposium, pages 148-155, Springer-Verlag, September 2003 | |
Learning to Play as a Team Sander Bakkes Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 2003 | |
Lessons for the Construction of Military Simulators A Comparison of Artificial Intelligence With Human-Controlled Actors Jennifer Sandercock Technical Report DSTO-TR-1614, Aircraft Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Salisbury, Australia, September 2004 | |
Linear Quasi Anticipation Christian Seger, Björn Törnqvist Master of Science Thesis, Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, June 2002 | |
Machine Learning Techniques for FPS in Q3 Stephano Zanetti, Abdennour El Rhalibi (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE), pages 239-244, June 2004 | |
Massively Parallel Reinforcement Learning with an Application to Video Games Tyler Goeringer Master of Science Thesis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, August 2013 | |
Mathematical Problems of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Computer Games Damien Clauzel Technical Report, Computer Science Laboratory, University of Maine, France, December 2003 | |
Middleware Solutions for Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games Jan-Harald Fredrikse Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, November 2003 | |
Methods of Artificial Intelligence Francis Pear Bachelor of Science Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, January 2009 | |
Modelling Agent-Environment Interaction in Multi-Agent Simulations with Affordances Michael Papasimeon Master of Science Thesis, University of Melbourne, Australia, January 2009 | |
Navigation Data for Pathfinding in Dynamic Game Environments Nicholas Hunter Bachelor of Science Dissertation, University of Abertay Dundee, May 2009 | |
New Method and Algorithm for Mobile Agents Collision Detection with Dynamic Obstacles in 3D Space Elmir Babovic (Dzemal Bijedic University, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina) IEEE IV International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, October 2012 | |
On-line and Off-line Learning of Driving Tasks for The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) Using Neuroevolution Luigi Cardamone Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, November 2008 | |
Online Imitation and Adaptation in Modern Computer Games Steffen Priesterjahn Master of Science Thesis, Computer Science, University of Paderborn, 2008 | |
Organizing Adaptation using Agents in Serious Games Joost Westra Master of Science Thesis, University of Utrecht, October 2011 | |
Pogamut 3: Virtual Humans Made Simple Jakub Gemrot, Cyril Brom, Rudolf Kadlec, Michal Bida, Ondrej Burkert, Michal Zemcák, Radek Pibil, Tomas Plch (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) Advances in Cognitive Systems, The Institution Of Engineering And Technology, pages 211-243, February 2010 | |
Point Seeking a Family of Dynamic Path Finding Algorithms Andrew Fanton Master of Science Thesis, B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS), Rochester Institute of Technology, Rocherster, USA, August 2007 | |
Quake III Arena Game Structures D. Stefyn, A.L. Cricenti, P.A. Branch Technical Report 110209A, Center for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, February 2011 | |
Rapid Adaption of Video Game AI Sander Cornelus Johannes Bakkes Master of Science Thesis, University of Tilburg, March 2010 | |
Realistic Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments Alex J. Champandard Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Perception Action and Behaviour, Edinburgh University, United Kingdom, October 2002 | |
Relational State Machines Steven James Gray Bachelor of Science Thesis, Deparment of Computer Science, University of Bath, United Kingdom, May 2006 | |
Real-time Agent Navigation with Neural Networks for Computer Games Ross Graham Master of Science Thesis, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland, October 2005 | |
Robot Controllers for Highly Dynamic Environments with Real-time Constraints Alexander Antoine Ferrein Master of Science Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, December 2007 | |
Robot Rescue: A Rescue Service Game Based on Dynamic Routing Leon J.M. Rothkrantz, Bogdan Tatomir, Luca Porzio (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) GAME-ON, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, London, United Kingdom, November 2003 | |
Search Algorithms Applied in Real-Time Digital Games Eder L. Trindade, Ricardo P. Martins Ferreira, Eduardo P. C. Fantini, Hugo B. de Paula VI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), Computing Track, November 2008 | |
Semantic Navigation in Video Games Leonard M. van Driel Master of Science Thesis, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, October 2008 | |
Software Agents for Incremental Team-Oriented Activity and Plan Recognition Daniele Masato, Timothy J. Norman, Wamberto W. Vasconcelos, Katia P. Syca Annual Conference of International Technology Alliance (ACITA), London, September 2010 | |
Strategic Path Planning on the Basis of Risk vs. Time Ashish C. Singh, Lawrence Holder International Federation for Information Processing, pages 77-87, August 2008 | |
TEAM: The Team-Oriented Evolutionary Adaptability Mechanism Sander Bakkes, Pieter Spronck, Eric Postma (University Maastricht, Netherlands) Entertainment Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume, pages 273-282, September 2004 | |
Terrain Evaluation for More Effective AI Jeff Davies, Paul Stephenson Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, May 2007 | |
Tesseract Radek Richtr Bachelor of Science Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, July 2008 | |
The Project ENTs Towards Modeling Human-like Artificial Agents Ondrej Bojar, Cyril Brom, Milan Hladik, Vojtech Toman (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 31st Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM Communications, January 2005 | |
The use of an Automatic Approach to Create a Class of Multi-Agent Systems K.V. Egorov, P.M. Raikov, A.A. Shalyto Scientific Technical Conference "Scientific Software in Education and Research", page 465, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, February 2008 | |
The use of Fuzzy Logic for Artificial Intelligence in Games Michele Pirovano Department of Computer Science, University of Milano, Milano, Italy, December 2012 | |
Towards the Design of a Human-Like FPS NPC using Pheromone Maps Amir Yahyavi, Jonathan Tremblay, Clark Verbrugge, Bettina Kemme IEEE Internationa Game Innovation Conference (IGIC), Pages 275 - 282, September 2013 | |
Tutorial of How Artificial Intelligence Works in First Person Shooter Games Christopher Helfter University of Northern Iowa, May 2007 | |
Usage of First Person Shooter in Military Simulation of Combat on Urbanized Terrain Johan Hedström, Björn Lindahl Master of Science Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, March 2003 | |
Using Artificial Intelligent Software Robots for Non-Player Characters Stanislav Brandejs Proceedings of "Interdisciplinary Approach Information Technology and Cognitive Sciences", Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, June 2011 | |
Using Synthetic Players to Generate Workloads for Networked Multiplayer Games Asif Raja, Michael Katchabaw (University of Western Ontario, Canada) GAME-ON North America, 3rd North American Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, University of Florida, USA, September 2007 |
A New Approach to Combine Texture Compression and Filtering Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics archive, volume 28, issue 4, pages 371-385, April 2012 | |
A System for Distributed Multi-Camera Capture and Processing Jim Easterbrook, Oliver Grau, Peter Schubel (BBC Research & Development, United Kingdom) Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), November 2010 | |
A System for Real-Time Deformable Terrain Justin Crause, Andrew Flower, Patrick Marais (University of Cape Town) South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership in a Diverse, Multidisciplinary Environment, pages 77-86, October 2011 | |
Adaptive Compression of Texture Pyramids C. Andujar Computer Graphics Forum, volume 31, issue 6, pages 1973-1983, September 2012 | |
Advanced Virtual Texture Topics Martin Mittring (Crytek GmbH) ACM Siggraph Games, pages 23-51, August 2008 | |
Bundle: A Virtual Memory Based Resource System Jarryd Hall Taher Odeh Bachelor of Science Thesis in Software Engineering and Management, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2012 | |
Deploying GPU-based Real-Time DXT Compression for Networked Visual Sharing Namgon Lucas Kim, JongWon Kim (Gwangu Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea) Proceedings of APAN - Network Research Workshop, August 2011 | |
Design and Implementation of GPU based Real-time DXT Compression Module for 4K Ultra high definition Media Namgon Lucas Kim, JongWon Kim (Gwangu Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea) Proceedings of the 38th KIISE Fall Conference, November 2011 | |
Displaying Terrain on the GPU Marek Mauder Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Informatics, Masarykova University, Czech Republic, April 2008 | |
Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Image Analysis Jan Wassenberg Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2011 | |
Efficient Ray Tracing of Sparse Voxel Octrees on an FPGA Audun Wilhelmsen Master of Science Thesis, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, June 2012 | |
Efficient Sparse Voxel Octrees Samuli Laine, Tero Karras (NVIDIA Research) ACM Siggraph, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, February 2010 | |
Efficient Texture Representation and Sampling Algorithms for Real-Time Rendering Pavlos Mavridis Master of Science Thesis, Department of Informatics, University of Economics & Business, Athens, April 2013 | |
Encoding Normal Vectors using Optimized Spherical Coordinates J. Smith, G. Petrova, S. Schaefer Journal of Computers and Graphics archive, volume 36, issue 5, pages 360-365, August 2012 | |
FasTC: Accelerated Fixed-Rate Texture Encoding Pavel Krajcevski, Adam Lake, Dinesh Manocha ACM Siggraph, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 137-144, March 2013 | |
Feature-based Probabilistic Texture Blending with Feature Variations for Terrains John Ferraris, Feng Tian, Christos Gatzidis Computer Animimation and Virtual Worlds, volume 23, issue 3-4, pages 435-445, August 2012 | |
Forward and Deferred Rendering Pipelines For Real-Time Computer Graphics Enver Orkun Bektas Master of Science Thesis, Computer Games Technology, City University London, United Kingdom, September 2012 | |
GPU-Accelerated DXT and JPEG Compression Schemes for Low-Latency Network Transmissions of HD, 2K, and 4K Video Petr Holuba, Martin Sroma, Martin Puleca, Jirí Matelaa, Martin Jirmana Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 29, issue 8, pages 1991-2006, October 2013 | |
GPU-Accelerated Interactive Material Aging Tobias Günther, Kai Rohmer, Thorsten Grosch (University of Magdeburg, Germany) Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, November 2012 | |
GPU-based Low-latency DXT Compression and Transport for 4K Ultra-high-definition Media Sharing Namgon Lucas Kim, JongWon Kim (Gwangu Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea) Journal of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists Engineers (KIISE) Computing Practices & Letters, volume 18, issue 8, pages 573-581, Auguat 2012 | |
Graphic Effects of Multimedia Applications Lennarth Hansen Master of Science Thesis, DTU, November 2008 | |
High Quality DXT Compression using CUDA Ignacio Castańo NVIDIA, Technical Report, February 2007 | |
High Quality DXT Compression using OpenCL for CUDA Ignacio Castańo NVIDIA, Technical Report, March 2009 | |
High Resolution Planet Rendering Kanit Mekritthikrai Master of Science Thesis in Media, Institute of Technology at Linköping University, Sweden, June 2011 | |
iGPU: Exception Support and Speculative Execution on GPUs Jaikrishnan Menon, Marc de Kruijf, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam 39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 72-83, June 2012 | |
imCast: Studio-Quality Digital Media Platform Exploiting Broadband IP Networks Jinyong Jo, JongWon Kim (Gwangu Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Republic of Korea) Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume E93-D, Issue 5, May 2010 | |
Implementation of DXT Compression for UltraGrid Ian Wesley-Smith, Milos Liska, Petr Holub CESNET Technical Report, June 2008 | |
Improving Character Deformation by Utilizing Displacement Mapping in Real Time Applications Bas de Jonge Bachelor of Science Dissertation, The Academy of Digital Entertainment, University of Applied Sciences, Breda, Netherlands, October 2011 | |
Increasing Visual Fidelity Using Virtual Texturing Stuart Milne Honours Proposal, Abertay, Dundee, December 2012 | |
Incremental Loading of Terrain Textures Eirik Fikkan Master of Science in Computer Science, Department of Computer and Information Science, June 2013 | |
Infinitex: An Interactive Editing System for the Production of Large Texture Data Sets Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters, Aljosha Demeulemeester, Frederik Cornillie, Bert van Semmertier, Erik Mannens, Peter Lambert, Piet Desmet, Rik van de Walle (Ghent University) Computers & Graphics, volume 34, issue 6, pages 643-654, December 2010 | |
Interactive Editing of GigaSample Terrain Fields Marc Treib, Florian Reichl, Stefan Auer, Rüdiger Westermann (Technische Universität München, Germany) Eurographics, volume 31, issue 2, May 2012 | |
Interactive Visualization of the Earth Surface Sergey Krutikov Master of Science Thesis, Department of Mathematics / Computer Science, University of Osnabrück, August 2013 | |
Interactive Volume Exploration of Petascale Microscopy Data Streams Using a Visualization-Driven Virtual Memory Approach Markus Hadwiger, Johanna Beyer, Won-Ki Jeong, Hanspeter Pfister IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 18, Issue 12, Pages 2285-2294, December 2012 | |
Lightweight Visualization for High-Quality Materials on WebGL Gustavo Chavez, Francisco Avila, Alyn Rockwood (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Pages 109-116, June 2013 | |
Lossless Asymmetric Single Instruction Multiple Data Codec Jan Wassenberg Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 1095-1106, September 2012 | |
Lossless Compression of Already Compressed Textures Jacob Strom, Per Wennersten (Ericsson Research) Proceedings of the ACM Siggraph Symposium on High Performance Graphics, Pages 177-182, July 2013 | |
Low Complexity Video Coding using SMPTE VC-2 Tim Borer (British Broadcasting Corporation, United Kingdom) Proc. SPIE 8856, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVI, 885613, September 26, 2013 | |
Management and Visualization of Large Heterogeneous 2D-3D Datasets Paolo Brivio Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Information and Communication, University of Insubria, March 2012 | |
Massive 3D Models Automatically Optimize and Application of Network Research Hua Cheng Dou, Liang Yong Cheng, Shi Jun Deng, Ling Wang, Xiao Hui Han Progress in Environmental Science and Engineering, Advanced Materials Research, 610-613, 3724, December 2012 | |
Modeling Surface Mesostructure Thiago Siqueira Pereira Master of Science Thesis in Mathematics, Computer Graphics, National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 2010 | |
Multi-Material Procedural Terrain Texturing Eric Billingsley Undergraduate Honours Project, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Canada, December 2009 | |
Next Generation Content Creation: An Investigative Approach Nicholas Vining Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, 2011 | |
Online Compression of Visual Data on GPU I.V. Perminov St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanics and optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012 | |
Optimization of Frequency Filtering in Random Access JPEG Library Michal Radziszewski, Witold Alda (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Journal of Computer Science AGH, volume 9, pages 109-120, 2008 | |
Parallelization of the Entropy Decoding in JPEG XR Brecht Devos Master of Science Thesis, FEA, University of Gent, Belgium, Juni 2012 | |
PileBars: Scalable Dynamic Thumbnail Bars Paolo Brivio, Marco Tarini, Federico Ponchio, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno (University of Insubria, Varese, Italy) The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST), pages 49-56, November 2012 | |
Plausible Visualization of the Dynamic Digital Factory with Massive Amounts of Lights Franz Peschel, Fabian Scheer (Daimler AG, Germany) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, February 2011 | |
Procedural Textures - Creation of a Procedural Texture from a Reference Image Using a Genetic Algorithm Pernilla Akterhall Bachelor of Science Report, Department of Communication and Information, University of Skövde, Sweden, March 2008 | |
Real-Time Compression for High-Resolution Content Luc Renambot, Byungil Jeong, Jason Leigh Proceedings of Access Grid Retreat, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 2007 | |
Real-Time Geometry Decompression on Graphics Hardware Quirin Nikolaus Meyer Dissertation, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 2012 | |
Rendering Textures Up Close in a 3D Environment Using Adaptive Micro-Texturing Joseph Klein Master of Science Thesis, Mills College, 2012 | |
Selection of Just-In-Time Texture Tiles for the Compression of Gigapixel Textures Sam De Roeck Master of Science Thesis, University of Gent, Belgium, June 2013 | |
Shaders and Effects for AiRmob Philipp Brandt Bachelor of Science Dissertation, University of Koblenz, April 2012 | |
Simulation of Geological Aging and Erosion Processes on the Example of Fractal Landscapes Marco Münch Master of Science Thesis, University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Darmstadt, September 2010 | |
Texture Compression using Wavelet Decomposition Pavlos Mavridis, Georgios Papaioannou (Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Busines, Greece) The 20th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, volume 31, issue 7, April 2012 | |
Texture Virtualization for Terrain Rendering Daniel Cornel (Vienna University of Technology) Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, October 2012 | |
Texture-size-independent Address Translation for Virtual Texturing Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters, Aljosha Demeulemeester, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle ACM Siggraph Posters, Article No. 33, August 2012 | |
Units of Texture Memory Access Julio Martín Sáez, Mónica Hernández Huerta, Juan González López Uniersity of Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, June 2013 | |
Untersuchung und Klassifikation von Bildformaten und Kompressionsalgorithmen für Unterschiedliche Anwendungsgruppen in der Virtuellen Realität Jurgen Muller Bachelor of Science Report, Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, Germany, October 2007 | |
Variable Bit Rate GPU Texture Decompression M. Olano, D. Baker, W. Griffin, J. Barczak (Firaxis Games) Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, volume 30, issue 4, June 2011 | |
Virtual Texturing Albert Julian Mayer Master of Science Thesis, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, October 2010 | |
Virtual Texturing Andreas Neu Bachelor of Science Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany, April 2010 | |
Virtual Texturing a Technical Briefing on Uniquely Textured Virtual Environments G. Birch Interactive Multimedia Conference, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, January 2012 | |
Virtual Texturing in the Documentation of Cultural Heritage Irmengard Mayer, Claus Scheiblauer, Albert Julian Mayer Geoinformatics FCE CTU, volume 7, September 2011 | |
Virtual Texturing with WebGL Sven Andersson, Jhonny Goransson Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2012 | |
Visibility Driven Out-Of-Core HLOD Rendering Patrick John Cozzi Master of Science Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, USA, December 2008 | |
WebGL Earth Petr Sloup Bachelor of Science Thesis, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, March 2011 |
An Extended Kalman Filter for Cell Phone Orientation Tracking Nisarg Kothari Carniage Mellon University, Robotics Institute, August 2011 | |
Animated Billboard Clouds for Foliage Simplification Anders Bennett-Therkildsen, Jeppe Carlsen, Jakob Schmid Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark, June 2007 | |
Evaluation of Methods for 3D Environment Reconstruction with Respect to Navigation and Manipulation Tasks for Mobile Robots Syed Farzad Husain Master of Science Thesis in Electrical Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, November 2010 | |
Intuitive Steuerung tele-operierter Inspektions-und Wartungsroboter Birgit Graf, Ulrich Reiser (Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart, Germany) Robotik: Leistungsstand, Anwendungen, Visionen, Trends, June 2008 | |
Laser-pointer Tracking for Multi-user Interaction Konstantinos Pischinas Master of Science Thesis, Linköpings University, Sweden, June 2010 | |
MOPED: A Scalable and Low Latency Object Recognition and Pose Estimation System Alvaro Collet, Manuel Martinez, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA) IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2043-2049, May 2010 | |
Representing and Visualizing Articulated Movement Matthew Revelle Master of Science Thesis, George Mason University, July 2009 | |
Real-time Shadow Algorithms Atso Kauppinen Master of Science Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Tampere, March 2008 | |
Real-time Shadows in CG Christian Luksch Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2007 | |
Starlogo Camera Controls and Enhancements Christopher Matthew Cheng Master of Science Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2011 | |
The MOPED Framework: Object Recognition and Pose Estimation for Manipulation Alvaro Collet, Manuel Martinez, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA) The International Journal of Robotics Research, April 2011 |
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library Steffen Nissen, Evan Nemerson, 2004 | |
A Simple and Effective Multi-Threaded Program for 3D Model Animation Kwok Shing Intel's Software and Solutions Division, April 2008 | |
Divide and Conquer: Partition Trees and Their Uses Stuart Golodetz Overload Magazine, #86, August 2008 | |
Automatic Navigation Mesh Generation in Configuration Space Stuart Golodetz Overload Magazine, #117, October 2013 | |
Object-Environment Collision Detection using Onion BSPs Stuart Golodetz Overload Magazine, #118, December 2013 | |
Intelligence in Human Computation Games Yan Cao (University of Pennsylvania, USA) IEEE Potentials, volume 30, issue 5, pages 33-34, October 2011 |
AI Game Development: Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors Alex J. Champandard ISBN-13: 978-1592730049, New Riders Games, December 2003 | |
Path Look-Up Tables - Small Is Beautiful William van der Sterren ISBN-13: 978-1584502890, AI Game Programming Wisdom 2, Steve Rabin (editor), Charles River Media, December 2003 | |
Goal-Directed Behavior Using Composite Tasks Eric Dybsand ISBN-13: 978-1584502890, AI Game Programming Wisdom 2, Steve Rabin (editor), Charles River Media, December 2003 | |
Building Better Genetic Algorithms Mat Buckland ISBN-13: 978-1584502890, AI Game Programming Wisdom 2, Steve Rabin (editor), Charles River Media, December 2003 | |
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games John David Funge ISBN-13: 978-1568812083, A. K. Peters/CRC Press, July 2004 | |
Programming Game AI by Example Mat Buckland ISBN-13: 978-1556220784, Wordware Publishing, Inc., September 2004 | |
Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games Darryl Charles, Colin Fyfe, Daniel Livingstone, Stephen McGlinchey ISBN-13: 978-1591406464, IGI Publishing, December 2007 | |
Intelligent Virtual Humans with Autonomy and Personality: State-of-the-Art Zerrin Kasap, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann ISBN-13: 978-3540798675, New Advances in Virtual Humans, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, volume 140, pages 43-84, July 2008 | |
Virtual Texture Mapping 101 Matthäus G. Chajdas, Christian Eisenacher, Marc Stamminger, Sylvain Lefebvre ISBN-13 978-1568814728, GPU Pro, A. K. Peters, chapter 3: Rendering Techniques, pages 185-195, June 2010 | |
Accelerating Virtual Texturing using CUDA Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters, Peter Lambert, Rik van de Walle (Ghent University, Belgium) ISBN-13 978-1568814728, GPU Pro, A. K. Peters, chapter 10: Beyond Pixels and Triangles, pages 623-641, June 2010 | |
Large-Scale Terrain Rendering for Outdoor Games Ferenc Pintér ISBN-13: 978-1568817187, GPU Pro 2, A.K. Peters, chapter 2: Rendering, pages 41-54, February 2011 | |
Real-Time Shadows - Stencil Shadow Volumes Elmar Eisemann, Michael Schwarz, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Wimmer ISBN-13: 978-1568814384, Real-Time Shadows, A.K. Peters, July 2011 | |
OpenGL Insights - WebGL Models: End-to-End Patrick Cozzi, Christophe Riccio ISBN-13: 978-1439893760, OpenGL Insights, A.K. Peters, July 2012 | |
Shadow Algorithms Data Miner - Shadow Volumes Andrew Woo, Pierre Poulin ISBN-13: 978-1439880234, Shadow Algorithms Data Miner, A.K. Peters, June 2012 | |
Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Dynamic Path Prediction Algorithm for Mobile Agents Collision Detection with Dynamic Obstacles in 3D Space Elmir Babovic (Dzemal Bijedic University, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina) ISBN-13: 978-1461435341, Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering, volume 152, pages 107-120, Springer Verlag, 2013 |
A video game processing apparatus, a method and a computer program product for processing a video game Kazutoyo Maehiro, Takashi Isowaki Patent US20070218992, March 1, 2007 | |
Texture codec Zsolt Mathe Patent US20090128576, November 16, 2007 | |
Game system Takahiro Abe, Hiroshi Asato Patent US20100009759, December 7, 2007 | |
Layered texture compression architecture Yan Lu, John Tardif, Matt Bronder, Huifeng Shen, Feng Wu, Shipeng Li Patent US20090315905, June 18, 2008 | |
Image processing Jacob Strom, Per Wennersten Patent US20110235928, May 29, 2009 | |
Image encoding method Anthony Neil Berent Patent US20120189199, October 5, 2011 |