The 'Omicron Bot' is my all-time favorite bot, and undoubtedly most other people's favorite as
well. The 'Reaper Bot' was a good bot, but who wants to play a bot that is so god-like, that it never
misses, not to mention the fact, that 'Steven Polge' stopped working on it, before it was ever really
finished. There are other good Q1 bots, like the 'Frog Bot', which is still in production, and if
Robert 'Frog' Field keeps working on it, I honestly believe it will dethrone the 'Omibot' someday. But
until that day, the 'Omicron Bot' is still 'King Of Bots'! With it's human-like form of gameplay,
and all the extra added features included in the mod, it is just simply fantastic. For those of you,
unfamiliar with the 'Omicron Bot', simply follow the link to the mods 'readme.txt file', (just click
your browsers 'back' button to return to this page) to find out everything about the mod. The 'readme
file' is very meticulous, in describing the bot, and all of it's many cool features and options in full
detail. For those already familiar with the 'Omicron Bot', you can download the mod from here.
I hope you all enjoy the Omicron Bot as much as I do. It's just simply the best bot for Quake ever
Skorpion's OmiBot Page is owned, created, and maintained by Skorpion. Copyright © 1997
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